An e-Portfolio designed to summarize learnings from a Master of Educational Technology course on Designing Distributed Learning.
Table of Contents
Module 1 : Distributed & Online Learning - Course Timelines
Module 2 : Technology in the Intermediate/Secondary Science Milieu
Module 3 : Video Reflection - Technology in the Classroom
Module 4 : Lesson Plan - Electrostatics and Electric Fields
Module 5 : Peer-Network Knowledge Transferal
Introduction & Description of Artifact
For the first submission in my e-portfolio, I have chosen to include an artifact/product that I had been considering developing/implementing prior to this course, but hadn't received the full motivational impulse required in order to explore the idea concretely. Additionally, I wasn't sure if such an artifact/product belonged in the scope of my teaching practice. Throughout this course, my motivation to explore this idea came to fruition, and I have identified the reason/purpose for its implementation.
Distributed and online learning can sometimes make it hard to keep track of progress, from both the educator's and student's perspective. From the educator's perspective, am I distributing/delivering my content at proper intervals, with enough regularity, with enough flexy time provided for learner's to engage with the content? As a student, do I know what is to come, what is expected of me day-to-day, week-to-week, when content is released and closed? For this reason, my first contribution to my portfolio is a snapshot from a project management tool called Asana showcasing a one-semester general timeline for a course.
Such a tool would be helpful for educators to use in order to keep track of their delivery and distribution schedules, and could also be shared in a view-only capacity with students so that they have a timeline for their course which they can reference for accountability and organizational planning. Such a timeline is visually appealing, is clear, and is of particular relevance to online courses wherein accountability and expectations can sometimes be muddled out of the gate.
The sample timeline I have included spans a September to December course delivery time period, where the course is divided into four major units with a culminating review of each unit at the end of the course prior to a final examination.
Harnessing a project management tool such as this could be replicated, creating a similar timeline for each course being taught/delivered by the educator for any given semester. This tool is also easy to edit, revise, and customize. There are a number of project management tools that can accomplish the same, this is simply the one I have chosen to explore based on a simple survey/audit of some of the leading programs on the market.
"Physics 3204 Course Timeline" is a screenshot captured by BrandonCollier from a self-populated project within the project management tool Asana and is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Learning Reflection
I willingly acknowledge that my professional teaching experience has been quite limited at this stage in my career; however, in my teaching capacity I made use of Microsoft OneNote as a digital agenda to keep track of my lessons, assessments, and activities. I found this was sufficient, but I often encountered the challenge of a snow-day, or a PD day throwing a wrench into my scheduling and forcing me to rework my schedule(s) and agenda(s). This was sometimes met with success, but other times, this conflict broke the rigid organizational nature I desire in a planning tool, and rendered my OneNote digital agenda vulnerable to becoming outdated and inaccurate, or in need of heavy manual revisions to bring it back up to date.
In my professional work experience beyond the classroom, I have witnessed first-hand the importance of having strong project management, timelines, and milestones. I would like to adopt some of my project management learnings into my educational practice. Throughout this course I have bore witness to the many different ways in which technology can be used, and the manner in which technology can be used to assist in online and distributed learning. Educators must use a variety of good tools to streamline their practice.
This course itself, EDUC 5105 Designing Distributed Learning was well organized and content blocks were released at scheduled intervals in the form of week-long units. I think such an approach works well, and is necessary, when it comes to online distributed learning. Merging this course exemplar with my own experience in the classroom, and infusing some of my professional learnings beyond the educational realm, I believe implementing a visually appealing course timeline artifact such as that above would serve both myself, and other teachers well in future practice.
Introduction & Description of Artifact
This submission in my e-portfolio is in the form of written text. It is a short excerpt which describes my reflections around the use of technology in my content area - Intermediate/Secondary Sciences. As a principal component of this course was text-based discussion forums, this submission feels in-keeping with the day-to-day style of the course, and a good way to naturally contribute to my e-portfolio.
The following text details some of my musings around how I can best integrate technology tools into my classroom - the science classroom. To accompany my text is an animated image I created to visually present the information.
Technology has infiltrated just about every nook of education, and it's use within the classroom is inescapable (Lowyck, 2014). All educators must be privy to its advantages, and its challenges. There are no shortage of technology tools, applications, and devices that can be instituted in the content area of intermediate/secondary Sciences. As my background lies specifically within the realm of Physics, I will focus on this content area.
Developers and creators have fine-tuned technology such that tools exist which assist educators generally, as well as assist with specific disciplines and focus areas. Sciences are a field of study which, in a traditional in-person classroom setting, would rely on lectures, demonstrations, lab experiments, step-by-step problem solving, and objectively quantifiable truths. There are technology tools that can be grafted on to a science curriculum plan that can wonderfully supplement each of these aspects of the traditional science classroom.
First and foremost, the science classroom requires that one make hypotheses, and that they ground these hypotheses in theories, laws, and axioms. While the science classroom can lean heavily into experiential learning, an educator must have content slide decks that transmit objective information onto the screens and minds of students. Microsoft PowerPoint is arguably the de facto tool for such presentations of information packets that need to be distributed. But slide decks have evolved to a place whereby they are incredibly nuanced and malleable. Slides can be taken to heightened levels of interactivity through the use of animations, transitions, embedded videos, simulations, etc.
In today's classroom, the limits of an interactive slide deck, in many regards, are only those imposed by the creator of the slides themself. Presentations and lectures to science students do not have to be reduced to talk-and-chalk, writing out example problems on a board and then a sequence of steps to follow in order to complete the problem. They can be so much more enveloping, interactive, and real-world applicable. And these styles of lectures do not have to be limited to PowerPoint, other presentations tools like Google Slides, Canva, Prezi, can enhance the interactivity and engagement of a traditional lecture. An example of this is provided in my fourth article included within this e-portfolio. Modern technology tools can bring science presentations to life, even when delivered through a screen!
And once a mastery of an information delivery tool has been actioned, that paves the way for experiential interactive learning. Web-based simulations are a fantastic supplement to demonstrations and lab experiments. Tools like PhET and ChemCollective simulators help to bring labs into students' devices. This is a great way to supplant a lab experiment if equipment is unavailable, or as a pre-lab space for students to explore the boundary limits of the lab itself without having to endanger themselves or other students. Web-based simulations help students play with the natural world in a safe digital environment. This can help them understand fundamental interactions, which they can then replicate and apply to the real-world when conducting experiments. Web-based simulations help students strengthen their confidence in their hypotheses. As they play with simulators, they ascertain what will happen when they conduct real-world experiments - which, still bring shock and awe as two dynamics carts crash together, or a projectile hits a target bang-on when launched from across the classroom, because even if they have an understanding as to what to expect on account of having used a web-based simulator as a pre lab, the real-deal still manages to amaze us ... and that's part of the beauty that is Physics!
And finally, leveraging video content can further bolster a lesson's applicability to students' lives, and increase their buy-in. As opposed to drawing a ball on a board with arrows indicating a bouncing motion, students can observe a 3D-model of a ball bouncing around a screen with arrows indicating its vector quantities as its motion changes. Some of the real magic in using video content to support science lessons is that slowing down videos can crack-open a new realm of detail unseen to the naked eye, showcasing the intricacy of everyday interactions. A slow motion video of a ball's movement can bring to light the deformation of the ball, it's spin, and the subtlety of its movement in a way a drawing on a chalkboard could never capture. Such video content can be sourced from online databases, created by the educator(s), or even created by students themselves. Getting students to create video content not only helps them understand the science content, but gets them honing tech skills that are not only needed to succeed in the modern workplace, but are desired by students in their personal lives. Video content helps to solidify and reaffirm students' understanding of the world as they validate results themselves and watch them back for review/feedback.
In brief, Physics is the study of the natural world, and technology helps us slow that world down, to showcase it from different angles, analyze it, push its boundaries in safe environments, all in an effort to help us better understand the world within which we find ourselves.
"Technology Tool Tiers" is an animated image (.gif) created by BrandonCollier using Microsoft PowerPoint and is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Learning Reflection
Effective technology use within the classroom is largely limited by my own creativity and my willingness (or lack thereof) to explore and implement new technologies. Technology is readily available, and this technology not only comes in the form of generic teaching tools, but in the form of content specific tools. It is on me to discover, and master the tools that best compliment my content area and personal teaching style.
With this in mind, within the content area of Intermediate/Secondary Science I aspire to develop a shortlist of Key Technology Tools I ought to use. This list will be composed of nested levels of mastery and expertise.
In the first tier, are tools which I will absorb into my very teaching structure. These are tools I should integrate to a masterful level, using them in ways that go beyond the standard call of duty, in creative ways which continually push my familiarity. These are tools my students will become familiar with, as they themselves will regularly be exposed to these tools.
To expand, I will consolidate a second tier of growth technologies. These are technology tools that I will use that may not be as status quo as those included in the top tier. These have some versatility to them, or are used to accomplish tasks that may veer outside the standard shortlist of teacher tools. This could include tools used for web design, or project management, content creation, or data analysis. Aspects of my teaching practice which I seek to grow, which may not be part of the standard packet of teaching expectations, will be fed using these technologies. In turn, this will bring a level of novelty to my instruction and teaching style.
Further, a third tier of exploratory technologies should be active/dynamic, changing as I hear of and explore new tools from peers or online resources. This tier of tools serves to accomplish ad hoc content creation tasks, and o supplement or enhance individual lessons. This tier also serves as a grab-bag for new tools, and if one catches my attention and I see strong potential in its ability to enhance my practice, I can elevate it to Tier II and spend more time exploring it.
Such a system will help me to effectively use and integrate technology into my teaching practice, specifically within the context of my content area - Intermediate/Secondary Science (Physics). Having such a framework will help to keep myself accountable, and to ensure I continually refine and develop my educational practice.
Introduction & Description of Artifact
The middle submission in my e-portfolio is a video submission surrounding my reflections using technology in my content area. My content area is Science (Physics) at the Intermediate/Secondary level. The video details some of my realizations about technology in the classroom, and my content area, which were garnered as I completed the course EDUC 5105: Designing Distributed Learning.
Learning Reflection
Technology in the Sciences is a tool with almost infinite potential for interactivity and engagement. Science is about exploration, discovery, and the pursuit of effective technology integration in the classroom is in and of itself - a discovery. As my career unfolds, I look forward to constant reiteration of my technology toolkit. As education evolves, so too will technology, and so too must my adaptability, implementation, and integration of tech tools.
Introduction & Description of Artifact
The subsequent entry in my e-portfolio is a lesson plan I would like to pilot and my expectations for the experience. I have decided to include a lesson plan I drafted for a Physics lesson on electric fields. This lesson pertains to students enrolled in a high-school level Physics course. The lesson was crafted specifically for those within the NL Schools school system. It is designed for English-speaking students, and would require that students have access to a device with internet access.
The lesson plan includes some generic introductory statements outlining the purpose and scope of the lesson. It then breaks down the lesson plan step-by-step, detailing what is to occur in each section. One aspect of the lesson is a web-based simulation created using Microsoft PowerPoint. This is the element of the lesson plan that I am most keen to receive feedback on.
My expectations for the experience are cautiously optimistic. As I developed this lesson plan for another course deliverable, I received feedback from both my peers and professor. They helped to identify some improvement areas within the lesson. While I think the lesson plan includes some strong content pieces, the delivery will be paramount to its success. This means that the delivery, whether in-person or distributed online, requires careful thought and intentional action. The pieces need to flow, and fit together seamlessly. I, the educator/facilitator, need to ensure that I transition from one section to the next effectively in real-time, or implement transitions for a seamless user-experience in a fully online environment. While I am pleased with the state of the lesson plan as it exists now, I would be eager to witness the frailties of the lesson plan when delivered to students. Through experience, I will more confidently be able to identify the flaws and strengths of the lesson.
"Electrostatics and Electric Fields Simulation" is an animated simulation (.gif) created by BrandonCollier using Microsoft PowerPoint and is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Learning Reflection
Through the creation of this lesson plan, I learned the efficacy of infusing technology elements into a traditionally in-person lesson plan. Technology and web-based content can be integrated into lessons provided their integration is carefully conducted with purpose. Adding technology for the sake of adding technology may result in oversaturation of tools, and could generate confusion amongst students as they are left creating accounts and trials for different tools. This also spreads students' personal data around the internet, which is a practice I aspire to actively avoid. For this reason, finding ways of embedding risk-free technology into my lessons, those which can be created internally or through educational institution approved tools (like Microsoft 365 or G-Suite for Educators) is my desired route forward.
Everyday tools yield more power than one might initially expect, and this is something I discovered through the integration of web-based elements and technology content in this lesson plan. Adding technology to education does not necessarily mean reinventing the wheel, sometimes it just means adding air to the tires and greasing the chassis. Technology can be a maintenance tool, an assistance tool, a refurbishing tool, and not an entirely new creation.
This lesson plan will be something of a proof of concept for this rationale. Can I use PowerPoint in new and creative ways to engage my students in a safe manner while online? My hypothesis - absolutely.
Introduction & Description of Artifact
The final submission in my e-portfolio consolidates some teaching ideas I have trialed within the scope of this course or that have been brought to my attention based on artifacts created and/or shared by my classmates which I would be interested in trying in the future.
I am incredibly grateful for the expertise and contribution of my peers throughout the completion of EDUC 5105 : Designing Distributed Learning. My engagement, be it passive or active, with these educators has elevated my knowledge baseline and generated a plethora of new ideas and tools which I am eager to trial in my educational context. My entry will highlight two tools which classmates brought to my attention, and a general takeaway regarding the course.
In this class, educators from all content areas and teaching domains were present, which created a thrilling cocktail of ideas and experiences being shared in discussion forums. Naturally, I often gravitated to those who teach a similar focus area to myself - either intermediate/secondary level, or Natural Sciences. Nevertheless, the input and contributions from peers who teach at a primary/elementary level, or other content areas, was equally beneficial in my extracting nuggets of wisdom from the course, and the class dynamic.
Some peers shared ideas which I was familiar with; and yet, they would extend my knowledge in these subject areas. For example, my knowledge of online course creators like Articulate was furthered. While I had heard of this platform before, I hadn't fully grasped its capabilities (and most certainly there remains more to be discovered) but through discussion and artifacts shared by my classmates, I have a stronger understanding of how tools like Articulate can be harnessed as tools within my teacher toolkit. A classmate used this tool to draft a design activity, and I was impressed by the rapidity and elegance with which they managed to produce a high-quality output. It helped me realize that adopting a new tool can be relatively quick if one has a clear design intent. Articulate is a tool I am eager to further explore, and knowing that educators and teachers can receive a discount, may even be a tool I consider elevating from a Tier III to a Tier II technology tool (see my entry for Module 2 on clarity here) with some haste.
Some other tools which classmates brought to my attention are H5P tools which can be embedded into websites or online content tools to increase interactivity. I explored these kinds of tools when drafting my design activity, namely the tool Lumi, but ultimately pivoted away from them when they weren't exactly what I had expected. However, I am keen to circle back to them in the future, and further explore their capabilities. I could see their potential, but they didn't fill the specific design niche I was searching for when embarking on a journey to enhance my design activity (see Activity 2 submitted for EDUC 5105). My foray into H5P tools coincidentally led me to another tool called ClassPoint which I did integrate into my design activity. While this tool can help to make PowerPoint presentations more interactive, I have yet to fully crack open their capabilities and am excited to do so in the future. This is another tool which I wish to better explore. To again reference my Technology Tool Tiers list from Module 2, I foresee these artifacts factoring into my Tier II Tools.
Possibly more powerful than these tools and artifacts was one particular discussion forum that inspired me. The prompt question was, " How can you create effective web-based learning experiences for students, in your context?" It was energizing, yet comforting to read the responses of my peers and classmates - many of whom are more experienced than I. Despite being from different content areas and disciplines, there were similarities in how we can, or ought to be, using technology in the classroom; or further, how we struggle to use technology and where we need to improve our own skillsets. It highlighted the vastness of the online and web-based learning environment for me. More tools were discussed within that and other threads throughout the course than one could likely implement in a full year of teaching. Quite genuinely, I would assert that one course, fielding the expertise and ideas of a collection of teachers teaching from Kindergarten to post-secondary, exposes one to years of tools and ideas. This was a humbling realization, so much knowledge exists in my professional/peer-network, and teaching as a profession - while it can appear siloed in terms of grade level and content area taught - maintains universal truths and threads that connect teachers of all backgrounds/areas.
Teaching is a humbling endeavour, and we all push the boundaries of the profession together.
Learning Reflection
Undoubtedly, as I conclude this course of Designing Distributed Learning and approach the end of my Masters of Educational Technology degree, I am reminded of the power that comes in the teaching community.
One teacher on an island, left to draft an entire repertoire of curricular content, to trial new technologies, to explore and research professional means of developing their craft, would surely be overwhelmed. With the swiftness of the teaching profession these days, and the speed at which education moves, there is a pressing need for educators to get quicker, more efficient, and to hone their craft with impactful intention. This becomes a feasible demand when teachers collaborate, work together, share resources, and share their research and explorations into new tools, tips, and tricks.
The keystone challenge for me as a teacher in the early stages of my career: investing in the right tools. I need to spend my time molding my practice by using the right tools. I must select tools which compliment and enhance my content repertoire and teaching style, and build my professional acumen. Distributed learning is a modern reality of education, and this course has widen my net, capturing more tools, and identifying a few as being of critical importance to my teaching foundation.
Lowyck, J. (2014). Bridging learning theories and technology-enhanced environments: A critical appraisal of its history. In J. M. Spector, M. D. Merrill, & M. J. Bishop (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 3-20). Springer.